Sardinia Blue Zone Tour

Welcome back Richard and Barbara!


Two years ago we’ve had a guest couple from NYC, that time we created a custom tour exploring west Sardinia. Well, long story short, that tour went so well they said: “That tour was the best holiday of our life, so we want to come back with you”.

That is a good news, the even better news is that Richard and Barbara have had a long life full of travels all around the world…and more to come 🙂
So that compliment was really something to us!

Life in a Blue Zone
For this second tour we designed an adventure in the central and east part of Sardinia, to discover the heart of the island’s Blue Zone. Barbagia and especially Ogliastra are in fact the areas where locals tend to live longer, with almost 10 times more centenarians per capita than the U.S. according to the research of the Blue Zone Project

Perhaps this secret is in our fresh and local food, or in our Cannonau wine, maybe it’s because of our way of life, maybe the Sardinian genes. Since Richard and Barbara are a geneticist and a psychologist they wanted to understand why.
We designed a custom tour to explore Oliena and the Supramonte, the Orosei Gulf with Cala Luna and Nuraghe Mannu, the villages of the inland and the highest mountain of the Gennargentu range.
We added some insightful experiences like a lunch with a local (real) family, then we made the gran finale with a scenic hike to Perdalonga, at the southernmost part Orosei Gulf.

It looks like they discovered the secrets to living a longer life, for sure we’ve learned from them the secret how to live a better life. So we’ll have them again and again until we retire 🙂

Richard and Barbara, Grazie for the love and the passion you have for Sardinia!